
Hello, I am Avinash.

I am a philomath and bibliophile. The range of my interests had me working from a novel glucose(it powers your body!) measuring device to doing a research assistantship in finance. Having explored and enjoyed diverse fields during engineering, I have found that data contains hidden answers to a lot of interesting problems. Until I make a billion dollars or find a more unifying field to work in, my work and research are devoted to data sciences !

I have worked with non-profits in the past and look forward to solving data problems with them. Also reach out for collaborative research.


Learning Journey

I am a self taught programmer. Here is a brief timeline of MOOCs I have done.


Articles I have written on the internet.


My newsletter. I write about data science, history and tech. No spam, I promise

The 10,000 hour project

Ironing out some details. Coming soon...

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